UPDATE: This website is currently under maintenance and no longer being updated. The new version will be launched in January 2024. Stay tuned for updates.

Each day, satellite imagery provides us information on hotspots in the ASEAN region. Using such data collated by the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) or from the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). Together with online databases and mapping technologies, we are able to alert you, via our Mobile Phone App, whenever an area/region of interest to you has one or more hotspot/s. We are currently monitoring hotspot occurrences for 2174 land parcels in the ASEAN region.

Register your free account today!

1639 registered users are now potentially receiving alerts via "Push Notifications" to their mobile phone whenever hotspots are detected within their land parcels/demarcated regions of interest. They can login to this website to view their land areas of interest (their demarcated land regions) and check out for hotspots.

On (GMT+8hrs), there were 0 hotspots in the Asean Region (view hotspot map) based on data sourced through the ASEAN Specialized Meteorology Centre (ASMC). Datasets from the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) has 0 hotspots in the Asean Region (view hotspot map).

NEW LAPAN Dataset:  Registered users can now choose to be alerted based on either the ASMC hotspot dataset or from the LAPAN hotspot dataset. Your daily PUSH NOTIFICATIONS is based the dataset you have chosen.

NEW FDRS Feature:  You can select locations to be your Registration Points for monitoring changes in Fire Danger Rating. When any of these coordinate points rises or lowers in Fire Danger Rating (based on Fire Weather Index - FWI), you will be sent a push notification alerting you. Login to your account and update your database with FDRS/FWI Registration Points. (view ASEAN FWI Map here.)

Other Updates:  To get you started quickly, we have now incorporated a library of pre-defined boundaries/polygons of interest that you can use as your default land parcels to monitor. You can further edit and refine your selected regions anytime. Registration as a "secondary" user will allow you to nominate one or more "primary" user who will all receive joint notifications on their respective individual registered/logged-in mobile app on their smartphones. These new features are available for both Android and iOS devices (iPhone).



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Disclaimer: This website is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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